The Fishing Museum
of the Torne Valley
Welcome to Our Homepage
Weeks 25-32 / Mon-fri: 11-17, sat-sun: contact Kukkolaforsen Turist & Conference
Under veckor 25-32 / Mån-fre: 11-17, lör-sön: vänligen, kontakta restaurangen
Sesonki (viikot 25-32) / Ma-pe: 11-17, la-su: ota yhteyttä Kukkolaforsenin ravintolaan
Summer 2017
From the river bed of Kukkola Rapids. Salmon and lavaret pass on their way upstream.
3D Kukkolaforsen
What does the seascape look like beneath the water surface? You can have a virtual 3D-model of the riverbed at the Kukkola rapids sent to your mobile phone.